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The Big Chocolate Bear

So named, because it is probably more scared of you, than you are of it. In all honesty, you'll be likely to want to destroy this gooey creature as soon as you lay eyes on it, but as a word of warning, you should note that you'll probably want to take it easy on the portion sizes if you're watching your waistline. An average slice of this chocolate fudge cake contains upwards of 700 calories and 30 grams of fat. So just the one slice....Ok, maybe two. If you've had, like, a hard day, y'know...

Ingredients (serves 6-8):



- 250g Unsalted butter


- 300g Dark chocolate


- 100g Milk chocolate


- 300g Muscovado sugar


- 6 Free range eggs


- 4 tbsp Water


- 1 Pinch of salt


- 1 tbsp Icing sugar (for dusting)

Cooking Instructions:


1. Break up all of the chocolate pieces into small squares and put in heat-proof dish. Add butter to dish. 


2. Preheat oven to 400F (200C), and butter a 20cm spring form pan, lining the bottom and sides with baking paper.


3. Combine muscovado sugar and water in small pan, bringing to boil over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring regularly. 


4. Pour boiling syrup over butter and chocolate mixture, and mix until chocolate and butter is melted as one. 


5. Crack 6 eggs into bowl, and separate yolks from white. 


6. Add egg yolks to chocolate mixture, and leave to rest at room temperature. 


7. Beat egg whites and pinch of salt into meringue-like texture. 


8. Using spatula, add  of meringue into mixture and stir well. Repeat process until all meringue mixture is used, and mixture has formed as batter. 


9. Add  of batter mix to spring form pan, leaving remaining batter at room temperature. 


10. Bake for 40 minutes at 400F, testing texture of cake all way through with fork. 


11. Remove cake, and leave out until completely cool.


12. Gently press down on rising centre of cake with rolling pin, until surface is even. 


13. Pour on rest of the batter mix, and return to oven for 20-25 minutes. 


14. Remove from oven, and allow to fully cool, before gently removing from tray. 


15. Dust with icing sugar, before slicing and serving. 

GSNI top contributor, Jacob, shows us all how it's done.

Contributor: Jacob Duncan, Sheffield Hallam University, Sports Development with Coaching

"As a personal trainer, I'm known for being a bit of a health freak, so I thought I'd surprise a few people by going for something a little more indulgent. Because everyone deserves a treat every once in a while! My mum's a chef, so I'd like to think I've learnt a thing or two when it comes to whipping up decent food."

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